
this brief remembrance is grown of the world of corru.observer by corru.works:
its exploration is recommended prior to advancement
a good maker? yes, i will tell you:

a good maker looks above
to velzie and shows it that a play does not have to be a tragedy
and things can be better
and still quite entertaining

a good maker looks ahead
and does not lose track of any strand in their mycelium,
not one
a good maker looks behind
to their failures and eats them whole to feed their mind
and those of others
a good maker looks dexter
to their cohorts
for a good maker is not alone

because a good maker knows togetherness
and looks sinister at their faults
that are not faults but scaffolds
for others to grow along and thus reinforce

and a good maker does not see an ending and starve like a celki lost grip of its veilk, no;
a good maker sees an ending and
togetherness will make it not so much
an ending after all

a good maker looks sinister and dexter and behind and ahead and above
and a good maker looks below
and sees the substrate they have grown from and gladly kneels to be
the medium by which the next maker
(whose receptors are still of velvet)
will grow to look in directions that have yet to be conceived,
and that is a good maker.
you see now?
that is a good maker.
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